Early intervention physiotherapy


Did you know musculoskeletal injuries make up almost 2/3 of all reported workplace injuries in Australia?

It can be challenging trying to get the best advice for your injured employee, whilst also trying to work out how you can safely manage them at work.

We have been providing our early intervention program to clients across Australia and New Zealand since 2017.

With our VideoHealth technology and our Better Health Network of clinics we provide evidence-based treatment for musculoskeletal injuries seven days a week.

  • 30,000+ cases
  • 98% stay at work rate
  • Over 90% of cases managed without a claim
  • Average cost under $700/case
  • Average rate of return to normal duties 10 days
  • Faster than predicted by MD Guidelines®


Opening hours for our online service

Monday-Friday: 7.00am AEST to 6.00pm AWST
Saturday & Sunday: 6.00am AWST to 6.00pm AWST
We capture data with every injury including, but not limited to, injury body part, mechanism of injury, job role and work department. In consultation with our clients, we set up live dashboards which summarise this data enabling our clients to see injury trends over time and assess the effectiveness of injury management.

Our process

We know that the earlier someone receives professional medical care for an injury, the better the outcome.

With access either via our rapid video triage service or directly, the injury management and return to work process can be started straight away to avoid any delays in treatment and improve injury outcomes.

Our experienced physiotherapists use a video-link to connect with the injured worker and workplace to deliver:

  • Best practice assessment and advice to the worker on their musculoskeletal condition
  • Education and self-management strategies to the worker including an exercise program
  • Timely feedback to the workplace regarding suitable duties and a treatment plan
  • Referral to one of our trusted network of providers if further management is agreed to
  • Expectations to the treating provider regarding treatment objectives and functional goals.


Frequently asked questions

Our early intervention physiotherapy (EIP) program is quick access to occupationally trained physiotherapists that understand your business and the demands of the roles within it.

It is an initial consultation via video to fully assess the worker, confirm provisional diagnosis, provide treatment, advice and exercises as well as recommending suitable duties for the worker.

If hands-on treatment is recommended, we can refer to our network of local physiotherapy clinics for a set number of consultations and communicate progress throughout the worker's journey.

This service can be accessed via our rapid video triage service, with immediate access to physiotherapy consults during business hours.

Alternatively, we are able to arrange other methods of referral.

It is ideal, that to perform the early intervention physiotherapy assessment; the employee is somewhere there is space to stand up and perform movements.

It’s helpful for them to have their manager present during the triage; the manager does not need to bring anything.

The assessor will ask your employee simple questions about where they work, who their manager is and questions about their injury and will fully assess the injury they have sustained.

An initial EIP consult is much the same as attending an initial physiotherapy consult in a clinic – the physiotherapist will ask questions and complete a movement-based assessment, and then utilise evidence-based treatment, empowering the worker in their own recovery.

We will provide the employee with advice and education on what the injury is, how they can manage it and provide exercises they can start doing at home for their recovery.

Consultation can take up to 30 minutes.

Our preference is that the consult is via video so we can see the employee and the injured area, and observe the movements we ask them to complete.

There are some occasions though where we are not able to get the video to work, mainly due to issues with internet connection, and in this situation we will complete the consult via phone (audio only).

If you have issues connecting to the rapid video triage please contact us on 1300 424 679 and someone from our team can troubleshoot your connection issues and provide you with an alternative way to connect if required.

If further consultations are required, they will be arranged either via video or we will refer your employee to a local physiotherapist who is part of our network.

If your employee has been referred to a local physiotherapist as part of your EIP program, and we determine that hands-on treatment is required for their injury, they will be referred to a local physiotherapist for hands-on treatment.

Following the consult, we will speak with you to provide a summary of your employee’s injury and answer any queries you have.

We will also send a report to you providing information on the injury and what duties your employee should be completing at work to assist their recovery.

We only discuss information relating to the workplace injury.

There will be no cost involved for your employees.

All consultations completed with us are covered by you, along with sessions your employees may be referred for with a local physiotherapist who is part of our network.

If your employee feels they no longer need treatment, they can contact us on 1300 424 679.

We will then contact you to make sure you are aware of this and that you’re happy for us to close the case.

We will then cancel any remaining sessions that are booked.