Discover how Biosymm can help you with our injury prevention and injury management solutions
- First world solutions to ergonomic risks and workforce management
- Early intervention physiotherapy, injury prevention and cost benefits to businesses
- Our investment in technology to achieve outcomes
Trusted by these great brands
Common mechanisms of injury
Common Mechanism of Injury
Back 18 %
Shoulder 8 %
Knees 11 %
Body stressing 39 %
Falls, trips and slips 25 %
Being hit by moving objects 18 %
Electricity, gas, water and waste services
Common Mechanism of Injury
Electricity, gas, water and waste services
Hand/fingers 21 %
Low back 16 %
Knee 11 %
Transport, postal and warehousing
Common Mechanism of Injury
Transport, postal and warehousing
Back 28 %
Shoulders 14 %
Knees 17 %
Shiftwork, fatigue and physical fitness
Poor vehicle design
Manual handling
Working at height/ Falls
Common Mechanism of Injury
Back 20 %
Hands/Fingers 36 %
Shoulders 14 %
Manual handling/ Body stressing 41 %
Being hit by moving objects 18 %
Falls, trips and slips 15 %
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Common Mechanism of Injury
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Hand/fingers 19 %
Shoulder 14 %
Back 27 %
Body stressing
Moving objects
Falls, slips and trips
Information media and telecommunications
Common Mechanism of Injury
Information media and telecommunications
Common Mechanism of Injury
Back 26 %
Shoulder 17 %
Knees 15 %
Hitting/ being hit by an object 31 %
Lifting, pushing or pulling objects (Manual handling) 30 %
Falls from a height 15 %
Healthcare and social assistance
Common Mechanism of Injury
Healthcare and social assistance
Back 39 %
Shoulders 22 %
Knees 9 %
Body stressing/ Manual handling 51 %
Slips, trips and falls 19 %
Mental stress 8 %
Learn More
Discover Biosymm’s cost-effective approach to injury prevention and solutions to workplace injury management.
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About Us
We work collaboratively with businesses to develop a successful risk-based approach to finding solutions to improve workplace safety, increase productivity and maximise profitability.
Injury management
Our early intervention physiotherapy model allows us to provide high quality functional capacity evaluations, injury case management and workers compensation management.
Injury prevention
We provide proactive measures aimed at managing and reducing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders for all workers. We offer manual task analysis, job dictionaries, manual task training, ergonomic workstation assessments and educational training to reduce the risk of injury and boost productivity in the workplace.
All of our services are underpinned by our investment in technology, allowing our clients to have access to the latest in safety technology and reporting for their business.