Özlem Dalkic
Özlem Dalkic
Master of Physiotherapy
Özlem graduated from the University of Sydney with a Master of Physiotherapy degree in 2014 and has a key focus in workplace injury prevention and safety. Within her new graduate year, she created in-house prevention programs with Ikea Rhodes to review worker’s duties, complete task analysis and mitigate preventable injuries. Özlem commenced working with Ergoworks Physiotherapy and Consulting from 2015 to grow within the ergonomic prevention arena and support staff within corporate workspace.
Noticing that safety needs to extend beyond corporate workspace, Özlem as a senior rehabilitation consultant, transitioned into Occupational Rehabilitation 2018 to gain a further depth in experience in Workers Compensation (SIRA). With further study and on-field experience, Özlem commenced her Return to Work Coordinator role for several National and International companies to support large corporate and industrial organisations. This role was to identify workplace incidence, complete workplace assessments and support workers back to a safe and durable environment with graded return to work plans.
Özlem has re-joined Ergoworks Physiotherapy and Consulting (Biosymm) in 2024 to continue her growth in supporting worker’s and advocates taking a preventative role in minimising daily office and workplace injuries. She is the current NSW Professional Development committee member of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society of Australia (HFESA).